Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Module 3 - reflection

For Module 3 we were given a new hair product that we had to put together a marketing / PR strategy for.

I enjoyed this task as not only do I have my hair dyed, meaning I was a member of the brand's target audience, but it also tied in nicely with what I do every day at work.

The only downside (well, actually it was amazing but not great for the course) was that I went to Japan for 16 days smack bang in the middle of the module.

The Squared staff, and my fellow group Squares, were really understanding about it, however it was tough trying to get everything done before I left. I also found it quite hard to catch up afterwards - but I did do it - it just took a few weekends!

My favourite video of the whole course was during this module and this was the Sir John Heggarty video. The video was amazing. He is a fabulous speaker and some of the adverts he had worked on were phenomenal. I wouldn't even call them adverts, they were a joy to watch!

In this module we were also introduced to search tools such as Ad words. For those interested in online advertising this was a very useful aspect of the course and a great introduction to PPC (pay-per-click) advertising.