Monday 9 June 2014

Module 4 - reflection

Module 4 of Squared was all about using Google Analytics.

I am already using GA within my day job but it was good to have a bit of a refresh - although some of the video footage that was provided was slightly out of date.

The task was to identify key points within Squared's own analytics and to make recommendations on what could be done to improve conversions and traffic.

I took on the traffic element of it and it was interesting to analyse the sources of traffic to the website - as well as looking into a breakdown of devices used, such as mobile phones or tablets.

Simon Rogers - who edited and created gave a really inspiring video. It was great to have an insight into how the Guardian analyse data and create infographics and news stories from it.

Working in PR, it is very important to be able to analyse data to obtain news hooks for press releases, so I found this part of the course very useful.