Sunday, 6 July 2014

Module 5 - reflection

Module 5 was a real eye-opener in terms of how much data we give away about ourselves on a daily basis when using social media and the Internet.

Our first task was to get involved in an ethical debate, looking into issues such as Facebook's privacy setting and using Amazon's Cloud service. It was good to hear other Squares debating and putting their points across in one of the lectures, it made a nice change to the usual format!

I often just tick 'yes' to things online, especially when using Facebook apps and plugins - it was therefore quite scary to think just how much data I am revealing about myself on a very regular basis.

Following on with the analsying data theme, our final task was to create an infographic. Our group was given travel as a vertical sector to design ours around.

The brief was to consider how digital is disrupting this industry so we focussed our infographic around three stages - the past, present and future. Digital has made a huge impact on travel - think back to the days when you used to go to a travel agents - nowadays people tend to just do the research themselves and book everything online.

After doing a lot of research we decided to tailor the infographic around peer-to-peer reviews, as Trip Advisor and other review sites really effect people's buying choices.

We also looked into businesses such as Air bnb who are cutting out the middle man and allowing people to advertise their own home as a holiday destination.

As I already work in digital, I already believe that this is the future and businesses who haven't already, need to step up and embrace it. And as many of our Squared lecturers repeatedly said 'don't be afraid to fail, failing is good. Fail quickly and learn fast.'

Thanks to all the Squared staff who put in their time and effort to answer people's questions and to put on some great lectures. It's been very thought-provoking at times and I have definitely widened my digital knowledge :)

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