Friday 28 February 2014

Module 1 - reflection

I enjoyed module 1 and felt it was a good introduction to the Squared course.

Although I already have video and social media skills, it was great to watch other people's videos and get to know our fellow course mates.

I found the lectures to be interesting, although at times they were a little basic for me, I'm sure they were really useful for those who had never done video before!

One lecture that really stood out to me was the talk by Malcom Bell who founded the fitness wear Zaggora, it was very inspirational and he was really engaging. 

My video for the assignment is below - I hope you enjoy it.

We were also asked to put together a slide of our 'Digital Life' - this was quite a thought-provoking task, as I really had to think about how much digital I use every day. The results were quite shocking, I pretty much use digital for almost everything! My slide is below - it's worth taking a few minutes to think what yours might be like, you might be surprised too!

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